class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide # Lecture 0 ## Course overview ###
WILD3810 (Spring 2021) --- # LOGISTICS **Lecture**: Monday and Wednesday 10:30-11:20 **Lab**: Monday 2:30-4:20 **Credits**: 3 --- # INSTRUCTORS #### Dr. Clark Rushing []( ~~**Office**: NR 146~~ **Office hours**: Monday and Wednesday 1:00-2:30 (or by appointment) #### Kim Savides (TA) []( ~~**Office**: JQL 145~~ **Office hours**: By appointment --- # COURSE FORMAT Refer to [syllabus]( --- # COURSE OBJECTIVES -- 1) Understand general concepts of plant & animal population dynamics <br/> -- 2) Gain experience using mathematics and computer software to examine dynamics of plant and animal populations <br/> -- 3) Apply the following skills: + Data entry + Application of basic statistical tests + Graphical presentation of data and statistical results -- 4) Analyze data and use models to project future plant & animal population conditions resulting from management or anthropogenic disturbances <br/> -- 5) Further refine quantitative and critical thinking skills