class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide # Lecture 16 ## Source-sink dynamics ###
WILD3810 (Spring 2020) --- ## Readings > ### Mills 188-194 --- ## Metapopulations #### Focus of Levins metapopulation models and mainland-island model is on colonization and extinction - Consider only presence and complete absence -- #### In reality, `\(\large \lambda\)` within patches is governed by: - Births - Immigration - Deaths - Emigration -- #### How does movement interact with local birth/death processes to determine `\(\large \lambda\)`? --- class: inverse, middle, center # Source-sink dynamics --- ## Source-sink dynamics #### Variation in habitat quality and biotic interactions (competition, predation, etc.) lead to patch-specific demography -- #### Source populations: - `\(\large b > d\)` - produce a net surplus of individuals -- #### Sink populations - `\(\large d > b\)` - produce a net deficit of individuals --- ## Source-sink dynamics #### In high-quality source habitat, dominant individuals prevent young/inferior individuals from settling - *despotism* -- #### Dispersing individuals forced to move from sources to sinks - dispersal can ‘rescue’ sinks from extinction - sinks can have `\(\large \lambda > 1\)` but would decline without influx of immigrants -- #### Sources and sinks **cannot** be identified based on: - abundance - `\(\large \lambda\)` --- ## Source-sink dynamics #### "Contribution" metric `\((\large C)\)` `$$\Large C_i = R_i + E_i$$` - `\(\large R_i\)`: Self-recruitment rate - `\(\large E_i\)`: Emigration rate --- ## Source-sink dynamics #### "Contribution" metric `\((\large C)\)` - Sources: + `\(\large C_i > 1\)` + contribute more individuals to the metapopulation (births and emigration) than lose to mortality - Sinks: + `\(\large C_i < 1\)` + lose more individuals to mortality than contribute to metapopulation -- #### How can `\(\large C_i\)` be measured? --- ## Source-sink dynamics #### Self-recruitment rate `\(\large R_i\)` .pull-left[ - `\(\large \lambda_i - I_i\)` - `\(\large I_i\)` measured via: + telemetry ] .pull-right[ <img src="" width="100%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] ??? Image courtesy of Red Wolf Recovery Program, via Wikimedia Commons --- ## Source-sink dynamics #### Self-recruitment rate `\(\large R_i\)` .pull-left[ - `\(\large \lambda_i - I_i\)` - `\(\large I_i\)` measured via: + telemetry + genetics ] .pull-right[ <img src="figs/snp_map.png" width="100%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] ??? Image courtesy of []( --- ## Source-sink dynamics #### Self-recruitment rate `\(\large R_i\)` .pull-left[ - `\(\large \lambda_i - I_i\)` - `\(\large I_i\)` measured via: + telemetry + genetics + mark-recapture ] .pull-right[ <img src="figs/Sutherland_connectivity.png" width="120%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] ??? Figure from: Royle, J.A., Fuller, A.K. and Sutherland, C., 2018. Unifying population and landscape ecology with spatial capture–recapture. *Ecography*, 41(3), pp.444-456. --- ## Source-sink dynamics #### Self-recruitment rate `\(\large R_i\)` .pull-left[ - `\(\large \lambda_i - I_i\)` - `\(\large I_i\)` measured via: + telemetry + genetics + mark-recapture + stable isotopes ] .pull-right[ <img src="figs/hma_NAmer copy.jpg" width="100%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] --- ## Source-sink dynamics #### Emigration rate `\(\large E_i\)` - `\(\large \epsilon_i \sum_{j \neq i} \phi^{ij}_i\)` - `\(\large \epsilon_i\)` (prob. emigration) and `\(\phi^{ij}_i\)` measured via: + telemetry + mark-recapture --- ## Source-sink dynamics #### Cougars in Yellowstone National Park (Newby et al. 2012) .pull-left[ - `\(\large \lambda = 1.1\)` - `\(\large I = 0.13\)` - `\(\large \epsilon = 0.17\)` - `\(\large \phi = 0.59\)` ] .pull-right[ <img src="" width="100%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] <br/> -- `$$\Large C = (1.11 - 0.13) + (0.17 \times 0.59) = 1.08$$` ??? Image courtesy of the US National Park Service, via Wikicommons --- ## Source-sink dynamics #### Wood thrush (*Hylocichla mustelina*) - In patches with `\(\large R > 1\)`, fecundity/juvenile survival drives population dynamics - In patches with `\(\large R < 1\)`, adult survival drives dynamics - Immigration rate is not related to `\(\large R\)` <img src="figs/plot_contr.png" width="50%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ??? Figure from Rushing et al. (2017) --- ## Source-sink dynamics #### Modeling source-sink dynamics using matrix models <img src="figs/ss_matrix.png" width="40%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> -- `$$\LARGE \mathbf B = \begin{bmatrix} R_1 & 0 & 0\\ E_{12} & R_2 & 0\\ E_{13} & 0 & R_3 \end{bmatrix}$$` --- ## Source-sink dynamics `$$\LARGE \begin{bmatrix} n_{1,t+1}\\ n_{2,t+1}\\ n_{3,t+1}\end{bmatrix}= \begin{bmatrix} R_1 & 0 & 0\\ E_{12} & R_2 & 0\\ E_{13} & 0 & R_3 \end{bmatrix} \times \begin{bmatrix} n_{1,t}\\ n_{2,t}\\ n_{3,t} \end{bmatrix}$$` - In this example, what do the vectors of population abundance represent? --- ## Source-sink dynamics `$$\LARGE \begin{bmatrix} 660\\ 330\\ 110\end{bmatrix}= \begin{bmatrix} 1.1 & 0 & 0\\ 0.1 & 0.9 & 0\\ 0.05 & 0 & 0.8 \end{bmatrix} \times \begin{bmatrix} 600\\ 300\\ 100 \end{bmatrix}$$` - Metapopulation growth rate: `popbio::lambda(B) = ` 1.1 - Reproductive value: `popbio::reproductive.value(B) = ` 1, 0.5, 0.17 --- class: center, middle, inverse # Ecological traps --- ## Ecological traps #### Animals attracted to a habitat because food resources or nesting cover appear to be high-quality - Habitat cues that were reliable in the past become unreliable - Often, anthropogenic changes to landscape impede successful completion of reproductive cycle - Over-abundance of cowbirds (nest parasites), meso-predators (e.g., skunks, racoons), anthro-predators (e.g., housecats) - Traps look like sources to the animal, but demographically they behave like sinks --- ## Ecological traps #### Polarized light - For many insects, horizontal polarized light indicates the presence of rivers/steams for mating and egg laying - Many windows and even asphalt also produce horizontal light, attracting insects which lay their eggs on artificial surfaces <img src="figs/mayflies.jpg" width="60%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- ## Ecological traps #### Grassland mowing - Many grassland birds nest in tall, dense grass - If these grasses are available early in the season but are then mowed after nesting has commenced, individuals may lose their entire clutch without enough time to renest <img src="" width="50%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ??? Image courtesy of CheepShot, via Wikicommons --- ## Source-sink dynamics and management #### Overall metapopulation dynamics in a source-sink system depend on: - The net balance of `\(B\)`, `\(D\)`, `\(I\)`, and `\(E\)` amongst all source and sink populations in the region (habitat component) - Environmental stochasticity (temporal environmental component) - Demographic stochasticity (bad luck component) --- ## Source-sink dynamics and management #### Source habitats could mistakenly be ignored if managers preserve habitat with highest abundance abundant (B. van Horne 1983 J. Wildlife Management) - Sink habitats may have high abundance if individuals forced into them (despotism) - Ecological traps may result in misleading indicators of habitat quality -- #### If source habitats are not protected, the whole source-sink metapopulation could become threatened and collapse -- #### Must consider where species most productive (i.e., where `\(\lambda \geq 1\)`), on average, in a changing environment