class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide # Lecture 12 ## Estimating abundance: Closed-population capture-mark-recapture ###
WILD6900 (Spring 2020) --- ## Readings > ### Kéry & Schaub 134-170 > ### [Powell & Gale chp. 8]( --- ## Estimating abundance #### Unbiased estimates of `\(\large N\)` require estimating `\(\large p\)` #### *Many* methods available: - Mark-recapture - Removal sampling - Distance sampling - Double observer - N-mixture models --- ## Estimating abundance #### Unbiased estimates of `\(\large N\)` require estimating `\(\large p\)` #### *Many* methods available: - **Mark-recapture** - Removal sampling - Distance sampling - Double observer - N-mixture models --- class: inverse, middle, center # Capture-mark-recapture --- ## Capture-mark-recapture (CMR) #### CMR includes a **wide** variety of related techniques and models -- #### Traditionally, CMR referred to methods of capturing, marking, and then recapturing individuals at some point in the future -- #### This results in a **capture-history** for each individual: ##### Individual 1: `\(101101\)` ##### Individual 2: `\(011001\)` ??? Individual 1 was captured on occasions 1, 3, 4, and 6 Individual 2 was captured on occasions 2,3, and 6. -- #### From the capture-histories, possible to estimate `\(\large p\)` -- #### With `\(\large p\)`, possible to estimate `\(\large N\)` `$$\large N = \frac{C}{p}$$` --- ## Capture-mark-recapture #### From capture-histories, we can estimate: -- - abundance -- - detection probability -- - survival -- - movement -- - recruitment -- - individual growth -- - populations trends --- ## Capture-mark-recapture #### CMR methods are not restricted to physical captures and recaptures <img src="figs/pelican.jpg" width="600" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ??? Capture histories can be created from resighting marks that can be seen from a distance Photo Credit: Rick Kimble/USFWS --- ## Capture-mark-recapture #### CMR methods are not restricted to physical captures and recaptures <img src="figs/blrf.jpg" width="600" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ??? Capture histories can be created from automated systems that record ID's, like PIT tags Image courtesy of: USFWS Mountain-Prairie via Wikimedia Commons --- ## Capture-mark-recapture #### CMR methods are not restricted to physical captures and recaptures <img src="" width="600" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ??? Capture histories can be created from "natural marks", e.g. camera trapping Image courtesy of: Arddu, via Wikimedia Commons --- ## Capture-mark-recapture #### CMR methods are not restricted to physical captures and recaptures <img src="" width="600" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ??? Capture histories can be created from "natural marks", e.g. genetic markers Image courtesy of: GlacierNPS, via Wikimedia Commons --- ## Capture-mark-recapture #### CMR methods are not restricted to physical captures and recaptures #### *What ties all of these methods together is that we have individual-level capture-histories* --- ## Capture-mark-recapture #### Key to closed CMR is that because individuals do not enter or leave the population, we assume any 0 in the capture history is non-detection `\(\large (1-p)\)` - in simplest model, easy to translate capture history into probabilistic statements based only on `\(p\)`: .pull-left[ ##### Individual 1: `\(\large 101101\)` ##### Individual 2: `\(\large 011001\)` ] .pull-right[ #### `\(\large p(1-p)pp(1-p)p\)` #### `\(\large (1-p)pp(1-p)(1-p)p\)` ] <br/> -- #### In the CMR literature, the constant `\(\large p\)` model is known at the `\(M_0\)` model ([Otis et al. (1978)]( --- ## The `\(\large M_0\)` model in JAGS #### In all closed CMR models, `\(\large N\)` is unknown - we know `\(n\)` but how many individuals were not detected at all? -- - data augmentation! --- class: inverse, middle, center # Data augmentation --- ## Data augmentation ### Imagine an occupancy study: - `\(\large M\)` sites are surveyed + `\(\large N\)` sites are occupied `\(\large (z = 1)\)` + `\(\large M - N\)` sites are unoccupied `\(\large (z = 0)\)` -- - species is detected `\((y_i=1)\)` at `\(n\)` sites + species is not detected `\((y_i=0)\)` at `\(M-n\)` sites -- `$$\Large y_i \sim Bernoulli(z_i p)$$` --- ## Data augmentation ### Imagine an occupancy study: #### How many sites are actually occupied `\(\large (N)\)`? - if `\(\large \psi\)` is the probability of occupancy `$$\Large z_i \sim Bernoulli(\psi)$$` -- - and `$$\Large N = \sum_{i=1}^M z_i$$` --- ## Data augmentation #### These ideas can be applied to CMR studies #### Imagine a CMR study: - `\(\large n\)` individuals were detected during the study -- - `\(\large N-n\)` individuals were not detected + how do we know how many individuals were not detected? -- - Add `\(\large M-n\)` individuals to the data + Choose `\(M \gt \gt N\)` + All of these "augmented" individuals have `\(\large y=0\)` -- `$$\large z_i \sim Bernoulli(\psi)$$` `$$\large N = \sum_{i = 1}^M z_i$$` --- ## The `\(\large M_0\)` model in JAGS #### In all closed CMR models, `\(\large N\)` is unknown - we know `\(n\)` but how many individuals were not detected at all? - data augmentation! -- `$$\Large z_i \sim Bernoulli(\psi)$$` -- `$$\Large y_{ik} \sim Bernoulli(z_ip)$$` -- `$$\Large \psi \sim beta(1,1)$$` `$$\Large p \sim beta(1,1)$$` -- `$$\Large N = \sum_{i=1}^M z_i$$` --- ## The `\(\large M_0\)` model in JAGS ```r model{ psi ~ dbeta(1, 1) p ~ dbeta(1, 1) for(i in 1:M){ z[i] ~ dbern(psi) for(t in 1:T){ y[i, t] ~ dbern(p * z[i]) } # end t } # end i N <- sum(z[1:M]) } ``` --- ## Capture-mark-recapture #### In addition to the `\(\large M_0\)` model, Otis et al. 1978 outlined 3 other basic *closed* CMR "models": -- - `\(\large M_t\)`: variation in `\(p\)` among occasions `$$\large p_1(1-p_2)p_3p_4(1-p_5)p_6$$` -- - `\(\large M_h\)`: variation in `\(p\)` among individuals `$$\large p_i(1-p_i)p_ip_i(1-p_i)p_i$$` -- - `\(\large M_b\)`: behavioral responses (trap happiness/shyness) `$$\large p(1-c)cc(1-c)c$$` .footnote[ [1] David Otis was a post-doc at USU in the Coop Unit when he wrote this seminal paper ] --- ## Capture-mark-recapture #### Otis et al. 1978 was seminal because it clarified ways that `\(\large p\)` might vary -- However, `\(\large M_0\)`, `\(\large M_t\)`, `\(\large M_h\)`, `\(\large M_b\)` are not single models but instead families of models that allow `\(p\)` to vary for different reasons -- #### In modern Bayesian analysis of closed CMR models, we can use the tools you learned so far in this course to model complex variation in `\(\large p\)` - group effects - hierarchical structure - continuous covariates (via GLM) --- ## The `\(\large M_t\)` model in JAGS #### How do we model `\(\large p\)` as a function of occassion? ```r model{ psi ~ dbeta(1, 1) for(t in 1:T){ p[t] ~ dbeta(1, 1) } for(i in 1:M){ z[i] ~ dbern(psi) for(t in 1:T){ y[i, t] ~ dbern(p[t] * z[i]) } # end t } # end i N <- sum(z[1:M]) } ``` --- ## The `\(\large M_t\)` model in JAGS ```r model{ psi ~ dbeta(1, 1) for(t in 1:T){ lp[t] ~ dnorm(mu.p, tau.p) logit(p[t]) <- lp[t] } mu.p ~ dnorm(0, 0.1) tau.p ~ dgamma(0.25, 0.25) for(i in 1:M){ z[i] ~ dbern(psi) for(t in 1:T){ y[i, t] ~ dbern(p[t] * z[i]) } # end t } # end i } ``` - What is the difference between this model and the previous? How will this change influence estimates of `\(p_t\)`? --- ## Model `\(\large M_b\)` #### Behavioral responses are common in studies that require phyisical captures - probability of capture `\(\large \neq\)` probability of recapture `\((\large c)\)` - individuals learn to avoid traps (trap shy; `\(\large p > c\)`) - individuals learn to seek out traps (trap happy; `\(\large c > p\)`) -- #### In the `\(\large M_b\)` models, `\(\large p\)` depends on whether an individual has previously been captured - response can be permanent or ephemeral --- ## Model `\(\large M_b\)` in JAGS ```r model{ psi ~ dbeta(1, 1) p ~ dbeta(1, 1) c ~ dbeta(1, 1) for(i in 1:M){ z[i] ~ dbern(psi) y[i, 1] ~ dbern(p * z[i]) for(t in 2:T){ y[i, t] ~ dbern(z[i] * ((1 - y[i, t-1]) * p + y[i, t-1] * c)) } # end t } # end i N <- sum(z[1:M]) trap.response <- c - p } ``` --- ## Model `\(\large M_h\)` #### Individual heterogeniety not captured by covariates - treat individuals as random effect `$$\large logit(p_i) \sim normal(logit(\mu_p), \tau_p)$$` -- - models with heterogeneity are not always identifiable + different assumptions about `\(p_i\)` will give different estimates of `\(N\)` but model selection does not differentiate between models -- - however, *not* modeling individual heterogeneity leads to known bias + assuming constant `\(p\)` underestimates `\(N\)` --- ## Model `\(\large M_h\)` in JAGS ```r model{ psi ~ dbeta(1, 1) mean.p ~ dbeta(1, 1) mean.lp <- log(mean.p) - log(1 - mean.p) tau.p ~ dgamma(0.25, 0.25) for(i in 1:M){ z[i] ~ dbern(psi) logit(p[i]) ~ dnorm(mean.lp, tau.p)T(-5, 5) y[i] ~ dbin(p[i] * z[i], T) } # end i N <- sum(z[1:M]) } ``` --- ## Extensions of the Otis et al. models #### Many extensions possible - `\(\large M_{tb}\)` - `\(\large M_{th}\)` - `\(\large M_{tbh}\)` - and many more limited only by your data and your modeling skills -- #### As additional variation is added, more data is needed to estimate parameters - all else equal, each new parameter results in lower precision for `\(\large N\)` (no free lunch!)