Click here
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Click here
Create an R Markdown file to do the following:
1a) Change the
field in the YAML header to your name;
1b) Click
to check that you can create a html document from the .Rmd file;
1c) Save the .Rmd file as
in a directory namedLastNameFirstName-homework0
line of the YAML header to:output:
theme: "cosmo"
2a) Click on the link above to look at the various themes available. Choose a theme you like and change the YAML header accordingly. Knit the document using this new theme
Create a level 1 header and call it “My goals for the semester”. Add several bullet points with objectives for the semester (these can be related to FANR6750 or not)
Create a level 2 header titled “My favorite animals”. Then create a numbered list, ranking your top three favorite animals
In lecture 3, we learned about the basic linear model. Create a level 1 header titled “The basic linear model” and under that header write two block equations with the linear model we discussed
Create a code chunk and set the chunk options to ensure that the
code runs but is not shown in the html document. Inside of the chunk,
copy the following line of code:
date <- Sys.Date()
Below the code chunk created above, type “I completed this
assignment on” and then include inline code that prints the
object you created in the chunk above
Bonus: What did the code inside the chunk do? What did the inline code do? What will happen if you re-knit the document tomorrow?
A few things to remember when creating the assignment:
Be sure the output type is set to:
output: html_document
Title the document: title: "Homework 0"
Be sure to include your first and last name in the
Be sure to set echo = TRUE
in all R
chunks so we can see both your code and the output
Regularly knit the document as you work to check for errors
See the R Markdown reference sheet for help with creating
chunks, equations, tables, etc.