All homework assignments for this course will be completed R Markdown files. To make the distribution, completion, and grading easier, each homework will follow the same workflow.

Homework steps

Step 1: Create a new directory to store your homework files

1a) Create a new directory (or ideally a subdirectoy of your WILD6900\ directory) and call it LastNameFirstName-Homework#, replacing LastNameFirstName with your last and first names and # with the appropriate homework number

Step 2: Create a new R Markdown file using the homework template

2a) Click on File -> New File -> R Markdown...

2b) In the window on the left, select From Template

2c) Scroll down through the options until you see WILD6900-Homework# (where # will be the appropriate homework number). Select that template

2d) In the Name: window type LastnameFirstname-homework#, substituting your last and first names and the correct homework number. In the Location window, navigate to your newly create LastNameFirstName-Homework# directory

2e) Click Ok

Step 3: Complete the assignment

3a) Change the author: YOUR NAME HERE field in the header to your name.

3b) Work your way through the entire document, following the instructions as you go

Step 4: Submit your assignment

4a) Before submitting your assignment, always click the “Knit” button to be sure your .Rmd file can be rendered as a HTML page. If you have any problems rendering the file, please contact me prior to the submission deadline.

4b) Once you know your file can be rendered, upload both the LastnameFirstname-homework#.Rmd and the LastnameFirstname-homework#.html files to Canvas under the correct assignment folder

Assignments that fail to follow this instructions will not be graded