In this activity, we will use the process of simulating data to understand what random effects are and how they are interpreted in hierarchical models.


  • Simulate data sets with both fixed and random effect structure

  • Fit fixed and random effects models in JAGS

For this lab, let’s assume we’re interested in modeling the the body mass (g) of lizards as a function of body length (mm). We capture lizards on \(J\) study plots and measure the mass and length of each individual.

The model

In this example, we have a single continuous predictor variable and \(J\) levels of a factor. We’ll assume for now that the residual body mass of each individual is normally distributed after accounting for body length. This suggests that following model:

\[y_{ij} = \alpha_{[j]} + \beta \times x_i + \epsilon_i\]

\[\alpha_{[j]} \sim normal(\mu_{alpha}, \tau_{alpha})\]

\[\epsilon_i \sim normal(0, \tau)\]

First, set up the simulation parameters:

J <- 20               # Number of sites
N <- 200              # Number of observations
Length <- rnorm(N)    # Scaled body length

## Randomly determine each individuals study plot
plot <- sample(x = 1:J, size = N, replace = TRUE)
plot Freq
1 8
2 8
3 14
4 6
5 15
6 8
7 10
8 4
9 12
10 5
11 15
12 16
13 14
14 6
15 8
16 16
17 11
18 7
19 4
20 13

Now, let’s set the parameters in the model:

mu.alpha <- 23   # Overall mean body mass
sigma.alpha <- 2 # standard deviation of group-level means
tau.alpha <- 1/sigma.alpha^2

alpha <- rnorm(J, mu.alpha, sigma.alpha)

beta <- 6     # Slope of body length on mass
sigma <- 3    # Residual standard deviation
tau <- 1/sigma^2

To create the linear predictor, we’ll use the model.matrix() function to create the model matrix corresponding to our model and then multiply it by our parameters:

Xmat <- model.matrix(~as.factor(plot) + Length - 1)
#>   as.factor(plot)1 as.factor(plot)2 as.factor(plot)3  Length
#> 1                0                0                0  2.3513
#> 2                0                0                0  0.9134
#> 3                0                0                0 -0.8348
#> 4                0                0                0  0.6705
#> 5                0                0                0 -0.3413

Now use matrix multiplication to create the linear predictor:

linear.pred <- Xmat %*% c(alpha, beta)
#>    [,1]
#> 1 37.88
#> 2 27.42
#> 3 19.79
#> 4 30.21
#> 5 24.14
#> 6 26.67

And finally generate the observations and combine the relevant vectors within a single data frame:

mass <- rnorm(N, mean = linear.pred, sd = sigma)
mass_df <- data.frame(plot = as.factor(plot), length = Length, pred_length = linear.pred, mass = mass)

ggplot(mass_df, aes(x = length, y = mass, color = plot)) +
  geom_abline(intercept = alpha, slope = beta) +
  geom_point() +
  scale_color_brewer() +
  guides(color = "none")

Fitting the model

Now we’re ready to fit the model in JAGS. Code for this model can be accessed with:

model.file <- system.file("jags/random_ancova.jags", package = "WILD6900")

Next, prepare the data, initial values, and MCMC settings. Notice the need to generate \(J\) starting values of \(\alpha\):

jags_data <- list(y = mass_df$mass, N = nrow(mass_df), 
                  J = J,
                  plot = plot,
                  x = mass_df$length)

jags_inits <- function(){list(mu.alpha = rnorm(1),
                              sigma.alpha = runif(1),
                              alpha = rnorm(J), # Notice we need J initial values 
                              beta = rnorm(1),
                              tau = runif(1))}

params <- c("mu.alpha", "sigma.alpha", "alpha", "beta", "tau", "sigma")

re_fit <- jagsUI::jags(data = jags_data, inits = jags_inits,
           = params, 
                    model.file = model.file,
                    n.chains = 3, n.iter = 10000, n.burnin = 2500, n.thin = 1)

mean sd 2.5% 25% 50% 75% 97.5% Rhat n.eff overlap0 f
mu.alpha 23.409 0.4215 22.546 23.140 23.418 23.687 24.221 1.000 7606 0 1
sigma.alpha 1.498 0.3804 0.847 1.233 1.462 1.725 2.352 1.000 4049 0 1
alpha[1] 23.882 0.8994 22.131 23.281 23.869 24.477 25.683 1.001 3720 0 1
alpha[2] 25.174 0.9543 23.373 24.516 25.153 25.794 27.123 1.000 10289 0 1
alpha[3] 21.824 0.7743 20.273 21.309 21.833 22.355 23.322 1.000 22500 0 1
alpha[4] 21.828 1.0506 19.717 21.123 21.859 22.562 23.784 1.000 22500 0 1
alpha[5] 22.681 0.7331 21.235 22.191 22.683 23.183 24.098 1.000 13398 0 1
alpha[6] 22.921 0.9034 21.132 22.320 22.930 23.527 24.678 1.000 22500 0 1
alpha[7] 24.221 0.8419 22.600 23.649 24.212 24.784 25.924 1.000 22500 0 1
alpha[8] 22.890 1.1111 20.650 22.159 22.911 23.637 25.041 1.000 15306 0 1

Just for kicks, let’s fit the same data to a model that assumes fixed-effects on the \(\alpha\)’s:

model.file <- system.file("jags/fixed_ancova.jags", package = "WILD6900")

jags_inits <- function(){list(alpha = rnorm(J), # Notice we need J initial values 
                              beta = rnorm(1),
                              tau = runif(1))}

params <- c("alpha", "beta", "tau", "sigma")

fe_fit <- jagsUI::jags(data = jags_data, inits = jags_inits,
           = params, 
                    model.file = model.file,
                    n.chains = 3, n.iter = 10000, n.burnin = 2500, n.thin = 1)

mean sd 2.5% 25% 50% 75% 97.5% Rhat n.eff overlap0 f
alpha[1] 23.89 1.1141 21.69 23.15 23.90 24.64 26.07 1 7390 0 1
alpha[2] 25.95 1.1243 23.73 25.20 25.94 26.70 28.17 1 18945 0 1
alpha[3] 21.07 0.8502 19.39 20.50 21.07 21.64 22.71 1 22500 0 1
alpha[4] 20.17 1.2946 17.62 19.30 20.18 21.04 22.71 1 6441 0 1
alpha[5] 22.28 0.8333 20.63 21.72 22.28 22.85 23.92 1 13812 0 1
alpha[6] 22.35 1.1203 20.16 21.60 22.35 23.12 24.52 1 22500 0 1
alpha[7] 24.36 1.0073 22.36 23.68 24.35 25.03 26.34 1 22500 0 1
alpha[8] 21.68 1.5775 18.61 20.62 21.67 22.75 24.77 1 22500 0 1
alpha[9] 24.48 0.9201 22.67 23.85 24.47 25.10 26.28 1 14495 0 1
alpha[10] 21.74 1.4307 18.92 20.78 21.75 22.71 24.55 1 21272 0 1

Finally, combine results from the two models to visualize differences in the \(\alpha\) estimates:

compare_mods <- data.frame(alpha_mean = c(re_fit$mean$alpha, fe_fit$mean$alpha),
                           CI_2.5 = c(re_fit$q2.5$alpha, fe_fit$q2.5$alpha),
                           CI_97.5 = c(re_fit$q97.5$alpha, fe_fit$q97.5$alpha), 
                           n = c(table(plot) - 0.15, table(plot) + 0.15),
                           model = rep(c("Random", "Fixed"), each = J))

ggplot(compare_mods, aes(x = alpha_mean, color = model, y = n)) + 
  geom_vline(xintercept = mu.alpha, color = "grey50", linetype = "longdash") +
  geom_vline(xintercept = re_fit$mean$mu.alpha, color = "#CD0200", alpha = 0.75) +
  geom_errorbarh(aes(xmin = CI_2.5, xmax = CI_97.5), height = 0) +
  geom_point(size = 4, color = "white") +
  geom_point() +
  scale_color_manual(values = c("#446E9B", "#D47500", "black")) +
  scale_x_continuous(expression(alpha)) +
  scale_y_continuous("Sample size")

Quantifying changes in Coal tit (Periparus ater) abundance

In the remainder of this lab, you will use data from the Swiss Breeding Bird Survey to model changes in the abundance of Swiss Coal tits from 1999-2007.

Photo by Andreas Eichler via WikiCommons

Photo by Andreas Eichler via WikiCommons

A data frame containing the counts and some additional information about each site (elevation and percent forest cover) and count (observer ID and whether it was an observers first time doing a BBS survey) is included in the WILD6900 package 1:

site spec elevation forest y1999 y2000 y2001 y2002 y2003 y2004 y2005 y2006 y2007 obs1999 obs2000 obs2001 obs2002 obs2003 obs2004 obs2005 obs2006 obs2007 first1999 first2000 first2001 first2002 first2003 first2004 first2005 first2006 first2007
186 Coaltit 420 3 0 1 2 2 0 0 2 1 0 1576 1576 1576 1576 1576 1576 1576 1576 2125 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
NA.29 Coaltit 450 21 0 0 0 0 3 2 0 1 0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
2.1 Coaltit 1050 32 NA 7 15 19 12 11 12 11 7 NA 2064 2064 2064 3299 3299 3299 3299 3299 NA 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
189.1 Coaltit 920 9 11 9 5 9 8 7 9 6 2 1576 2031 2031 2031 2031 2031 2031 2031 169 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
191.1 Coaltit 1110 35 27 24 21 19 22 31 28 9 18 1976 1976 1976 1976 1976 1976 1976 1976 1976 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
5 Coaltit 510 2 NA 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 NA 2158 3288 3288 3304 3304 3304 3304 3304 NA 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0

Preparing the data

Before running any models, we will first prepare the data. JAGS will take the counts and predictor variables as matrices with dimensions of nSites x nYears. Those matrices can easily be created from the data frame:

C <- as.matrix(tits[5:13])
obs <- as.matrix(tits[14:22])
first <- as.matrix(tits[23:31])

matplot(1999:2007, t(C), type = "l", lty = 1, lwd = 2, main = "", las = 1, ylab = "Territory counts", xlab = "Year", ylim = c(0, 80), frame = FALSE)

One issue with the obs and first matrices is that they contain NA values, which JAGS will not allow in predictor variables (they are ok in the response variable, as we will soon see). Some of the NA values correspond to years when a sites was not surveyed (in these cases, there will also be a NA in the C matrix). In addition, JAGS will want the observer ID as a continuous variable rather than a factor. We will first convert the obs levels into a numeric vector and the create a new matrix containing the correct numeric IDs:

a <- as.numeric(levels(factor(obs)))     # All the levels, numeric
newobs <- obs                            # Gets ObsID from 1:271
for (j in 1:length(a)){newobs[which(obs==a[j])] <- j }

Next, we need to fill in the NA values. For the observer ID, we’ll lump all missing values as a single value corresponding to the number of observers + 1. For the first matrix, we will code the NA values as 0, which corresponds to an ‘experienced’ observer. This will decrease our power to quantify the effect of being a novice observer but not to the extent that it will substantially alter our conclusions.

newobs[] <- length(a) + 1
first[] <- 0

The simplest count model

Let’s start by fitting the most simple model we can create for these data: the intercept-only model. In this model, we assume that the expected number of coal tits is constant, that is, it doesn’t vary across sites or years or observers.

On your own, write out the distribution, link function, and linear predictor for the intercept-only model. What parameters does this model include? What prior distribution(s) would be most appropriate for these parameters?

You can view the JAGS code for this model by running:

glm0_mod <- system.file("jags/GLM0.jags", package = "WILD6900")

Now prepare the data and MCMC settings to run this model:

# Bundle data
glm0_data <- list(C = t(C), nsite = nrow(C), nyear = ncol(C))

# Initial values
glm0_inits <- function() list(alpha = runif(1, -10, 10))

# Parameters monitored
params <- c("alpha")

# MCMC settings
ni <- 1200
nt <- 2
nb <- 200
nc <- 3

# Call JAGS from R
glm0 <- jagsUI::jags(data = glm0_data, inits =  glm0_inits,
            = params, 
                     model.file = glm0_mod, n.chains = nc, 
                     n.thin = nt, n.iter = ni, n.burnin = nb)

# Summarize posteriors
print(glm0, digits = 3)

# Check trace plots

Fixed site effects

The intercept-only model is obviously not a very good model of these counts but serves as a useful starting point for developing more complex models. As a start for building a better model, let’s add site as a fixed effect. In other words:

\[y_{ij} \sim Poisson(\lambda_j)\] \[log(\lambda_j) = \alpha_j\]

Modify the JAGS model from the previous example to run this fixed-site model. As a starting point:

    model {

    # Prior
    alpha ~ dnorm(0, 0.01)    # log(mean count)

    # Likelihood
    for (i in 1:nyear){
    for (j in 1:nsite){
    C[i,j] ~ dpois(lambda[i,j])
    lambda[i,j] <- exp(log.lambda[i,j])
    log.lambda[i,j] <- alpha
    }  #j
    }  #i
    ",fill = TRUE)

Be sure to change the name of the model file before running that code. Now modify the data and inits object as necessary to run the model in JAGS. Also note that in the jagsUI::jags() call you will need to reference the model file you just created rather than the model file from the previous example.

Additional complexity

Even with this relatively simple data set, you can create relatively complex models. On your own, try to fit the following models using the JAGS code from above as a starting point:

  • Fixed year and site effects

  • Random site effects

  • Random year effects

  • Random site and random year effects

  • Random site and random year effects and fixed first-year observer effect

  • Random site and random year effects, linear year effect and fixed first-year observer effect

One note about including multiple factors in the model. In the models with both site and year (as a factor), the model cannot estimate the predicted count for all combinations of both factors. Essentially, the model needs to set one level of one of the factors to a “reference” level to avoid over-parameterization. In JAGS, we have to do this manually by setting the prior for one level to zero:

eps[1] <- 0

  1. Data and code from Kéry & Schaub 2015. Bayesian Population Analysis using WinBugs↩︎