Today’s topics

  1. Contrasts

  2. Estimation

  3. Power analysis


Mussel data

#>    Watershed Length
#> 1 Twelvemile     16
#> 2 Twelvemile      8
#> 3 Twelvemile     12
#> 4 Twelvemile     17
#> 5 Twelvemile     13
#> 6  Chattooga     18

# By default, R will order watershed in alphabetical order
# We will change it to a factor and explicitly set the order to match the order from lecture
musselData$Watershed <- factor(musselData$Watershed, 
                               levels = c("Twelvemile", "Chattooga","Keowee", "Coneross"))
Watershed Length
Twelvemile 16
Twelvemile 8
Twelvemile 12
Twelvemile 17
Twelvemile 13
Chattooga 18


Suppose we want to make 3 a priori comparisons:

  1. Agricultural (Twelvemile & Coneross) vs. Forested (Chattooga & Keowee)

  2. Within agricultural (Twelvemile vs Coneross)

  3. Within forested (Chattooga vs Keowee)

Comparison Null hypothesis
1 Ag. vs Forested \(\frac{\mu_T + \mu_{Co}}{2} - \frac{\mu_{Ch} + \mu_{K}}{2} = 0\)
2 Twelvemile vs Coneross \(\mu_T - \mu_{Co} = 0\)
3 Chattooga vs Keowee \(\mu_{Ch} - \mu_{K} = 0\)

Constructing contrasts in R


AgvF <- c(1/2, -1/2, -1/2, 1/2)
TvCo <- c(1, 0, 0, -1)
ChvK <- c(0, 1, -1, 0)

Are they orthogonal?

Step 1: sum of coefficients is 0, for each contrast.

all(sum(AgvF) == 0, sum(TvCo) == 0, sum(ChvK) == 0)
#> [1] TRUE

all() tests whether all its arguments evaluate to TRUE

Step 2: pairwise dot products are all equal to 0.

all(sum(AgvF * TvCo) == 0,
    sum(AgvF * ChvK) == 0,
    sum(TvCo * ChvK) == 0)
#> [1] TRUE

Step 2 (alternate method): pairwise dot products are all equal to 0.

Try the %*% operator:

AgvF %*% TvCo
#>      [,1]
#> [1,]    0

When the operands are vectors, %*% does the dot product

Put the contrasts into a matrix

To use contrasts in R, each set of coefficients must be formatted as a column in a matrix.

We can use cbind() for this:

(contrast.mat <- cbind(AgvF, TvCo, ChvK))
#>      AgvF TvCo ChvK
#> [1,]  0.5    1    0
#> [2,] -0.5    0    1
#> [3,] -0.5    0   -1
#> [4,]  0.5   -1    0


Fit the model with contrasts
aov.out <- aov(Length ~ Watershed, data=musselData,
Now partition the sum-of-squares with split= argument:
        split = list(Watershed = c("AgvF" = 1, 
                               "TvCo" = 2, 
                               "ChvK" = 3)))
#>                   Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value  Pr(>F)    
#> Watershed          3    393     131    9.70 0.00069 ***
#>   Watershed: AgvF  1    361     361   26.76 9.2e-05 ***
#>   Watershed: TvCo  1     12      12    0.90 0.35786    
#>   Watershed: ChvK  1     20      20    1.45 0.24575    
#> Residuals         16    216      14                    
#> ---
#> Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

ANOVA without contrasts

\(\large F_{3, 16}\)

ANOVA with contrasts

\(\large F_{1, 16}\)

Difference in means for each contrast

Group means
(group.means <- musselData %>% 
                group_by(Watershed) %>%
                 summarise(mu = mean(Length)))
#> # A tibble: 4 × 2
#>   Watershed     mu
#>   <fct>      <dbl>
#> 1 Twelvemile  13.2
#> 2 Chattooga   21.4
#> 3 Keowee      24.2
#> 4 Coneross    15.4
Difference in means for Twelvemile vs Coneross
group.means$mu[1] - group.means$mu[4]
#> [1] -2.2
Difference in means for Chattooga vs Keowee
group.means$mu[2] - group.means$mu[3]
#> [1] -2.8
Difference in means for Ag. vs Forested
mean(group.means$mu[c(1,4)]) - mean(group.means$mu[2:3])
#> [1] -8.5

Standard errors for each contrast

SE for Twelvemile vs Coneross
            contrast.obj = list(Watershed == "Twelvemile", Watershed == "Coneross"), 
            data = musselData)
#> [1] 2.324
SE for Chattooga vs Keowee
            contrast.obj = list(Watershed == "Chattooga", Watershed == "Keowee"), 
            data = musselData)
#> [1] 2.324
SE for Ag. vs Forested
            contrast.obj = list(Watershed %in% c("Twelvemile","Coneross"),
                                Watershed %in% c("Chattooga","Keowee")), 
            data = musselData)
#> [1] 1.643

The %in% function returns TRUE for any elements of the first vector that match an element in the second vector and FALSE otherwise


Estimating confidence intervals

In an ANOVA context, confidence intervals can be constructed using the equation:

\[CI = Point\; estimate \pm t_{\alpha/2,a(n−1)}\times SE\] As usual, the hard part is computing the SE

Confidence intervals from one-way ANOVA

SE’s for the effect sizes (\(\alpha\)’s)
(effects.SE <- model.tables(aov.out, type="effects", se=TRUE))
#> Tables of effects
#>  Watershed 
#> Watershed
#> Twelvemile  Chattooga     Keowee   Coneross 
#>      -5.35       2.85       5.65      -3.15 
#> Standard errors of effects
#>         Watershed
#>             1.643
#> replic.         5
Extract the \(\alpha\)’s and the SEs
# str(effects.SE)
alpha.i <- as.numeric(effects.SE$tables$Watershed)
SE <- as.numeric(effects.SE$se)
Compute confidence intervals
tc <- qt(0.975, 4 * (5 - 1))
lowerCI <- alpha.i - tc * SE
upperCI <- alpha.i + tc * SE

Plot effects and CIs

Put results into a data frame
CI <- data.frame(Watershed = factor(c("Twelvemile", "Chattooga",  "Keowee", "Coneross"),
                            levels = c("Twelvemile", "Chattooga","Keowee", "Coneross")),
                 effect.size = alpha.i, 
#>    Watershed effect.size    SE lowerCI upperCI
#> 1 Twelvemile       -5.35 1.643 -8.8334 -1.8666
#> 2  Chattooga        2.85 1.643 -0.6334  6.3334
#> 3     Keowee        5.65 1.643  2.1666  9.1334
#> 4   Coneross       -3.15 1.643 -6.6334  0.3334
And plot:
ggplot(CI, aes(x = Watershed, y = effect.size)) +
  geom_hline(yintercept = 0, linetype = "longdash", color = "grey50") +
  geom_errorbar(aes(ymin = lowerCI, ymax = upperCI), width = 0) +
  geom_point() +
  scale_y_continuous("Effect size")

Power analysis

Statistical Power

  • Type I: the null hypothesis is true, but you reject it

  • Type II: the null hypothesis is false, but you fail to reject it

  • \(\alpha = Pr(Type\;I\;error)\)

  • \(\beta = Pr(Type\;II\;error)\)

Power = Pr(rejecting a false null) = \(1 − \beta\)

In R functions power.t.test() and power.anova.test(), you provide all but one of the “ingredients” for the hypothesis test and determination of power. Then the missing ingredient is estimated.

Power analysis for a 2-sample t-test

power.t.test(n = NULL, 
             delta = 3, 
             sd = 2, 
             sig.level = 0.05, 
             power = 0.8)
#>      Two-sample t test power calculation 
#>               n = 8.06
#>           delta = 3
#>              sd = 2
#>       sig.level = 0.05
#>           power = 0.8
#>     alternative = two.sided
#> NOTE: n is number in *each* group

Power analysis for one-way ANOVA

power.anova.test(groups = 4, 
                 n = 5, 
                 between.var = 360.0,
                 within.var = 101.2, 
                 power = NULL)
#>      Balanced one-way analysis of variance power calculation 
#>          groups = 4
#>               n = 5
#>     between.var = 360
#>      within.var = 101.2
#>       sig.level = 0.05
#>           power = 0.9999
#> NOTE: n is number in each group

Assignment (not for a grade)

Researchers wish to know if food supplementation affects the growth of nestling Canada warblers. The treatment groups are: (A) No supplementation control, (B) low, (C) medium, (D) high, and (E) very high. The response variable is the weight of a ten-day-old nestling.

Create an R Markdown file to do the following:

  1. Create an R chunk to load the data using:
  1. The researchers are interested in the following contrasts. Create a header called “Contrasts” and determine whether these contrasts are orthogonal. Show your work!

    • Groups A,B vs C,D,E

    • Groups A vs B

    • Groups C vs D,E

    • Groups D vs E

  2. Create a header called “ANOVA analysis”. Under this header, use the warblerWeight data to test the null hypothesis of each contrast. This section should include a well-formatted ANOVA table showing the results of the analysis. Use the caption argument in the kable() function to include a brief caption for the ANOVA table and the round argument to print an appropriate number of digits.

  3. In addition to the ANOVA table, compute and report, in a second table (with caption), the following for each contrast:

    • The difference in the means

    • The SE of the difference in means

    • The 95% CI for the difference in means

  4. Suppose you wanted to replicate the study with a smaller sample size of \(n = 2\) per treatment group. In a new section called “Power analysis”, calculate and report your power for this new experiment. This section should include both the R code you used to conduct the power analysis, and a brief (1-3 sentence) description of the result and interpretation.

A few things to remember when creating the document:

  • Be sure the output type is set to: output: html_document

  • Be sure to set echo = TRUE in all R chunks so that all code and output is visible in the knitted document

  • Regularly knit the document as you work to check for errors

  • See the R Markdown reference sheet for help with creating R chunks, equations, tables, etc.

  • See the “Creating publication-quality graphics” reference sheet for tips on formatting figures